How Regularly Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned?

July 04, 2023 3 min read

How Regularly Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned?

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential for a healthy smile and overall well-being. Regular dental cleanings play a crucial role in keeping your teeth and gums in optimal condition. But how frequently should you schedule these professional cleanings? The frequency of dental cleanings can vary depending on various factors, including your oral health, risk factors, and individual needs.


What happens during a teeth cleaning

The procedure for cleaning teeth may differ between dentists, but these are the basic steps to a dental cleaning appointment. The whole process generally lasts less than one hour. If you suffer from dental issues, a gentle anesthetic can be sprayed on the gums and teeth before beginning.


During this procedure, also known as the scaling process, tartar and plaque are eliminated from your teeth. The dentist or hygienist will clean the hardest-to-reach parts of your mouth with special instruments to scrape away plaque. They'll also clean those spaces in between the teeth using specific flossing techniques and instruments.

The dentist may employ a Prophy-Jet instrument that uses water, abrasive powders, and pressurized oxygen to remove plaque, soft particles, and staining. The hygienist will rinse your mouth following the procedure.


after cleaning, the dentist uses a rotating head with a dental paste to make your teeth shine. 


What are the advantages of deep cleaning teeth?

  • Stops the Advancement Of Gum Disease:The root planning and scaling processes help treat gum diseases like gingivitis. Deep teeth cleaning employs specific methods to get rid of plaque and bacterial build-up from the root of the teeth of patients. In turn, it can stop the development of gum disease. It lowers the risk of developing the disease in the future.
  • Promotes Gum Healing:Deep teeth cleaning reduces gum inflammation by removing plaque and tartar beneath the gumline. This can lead to healthier gums than ever.
  • Eliminates Tartar as well as plaque Buildup:This procedure deeply cleanses gums and teeth. The dentist takes plaque and tartar from the teeth and also helps to minimize the space between the gums and teeth. In the end, gums are reattached to the patient's teeth in 7 to 7 days on average.
  • Helps to Protect the Teeth's Roots Teeth:A deep dental cleaning helps protect the tooth's roots by removing plaque and tartar that accumulates within the mouth of the patient below the gum line. It also strengthens the roots and stops the teeth from becoming loose.
  • Helps Prevent Tooth Loss:The process of scaling and root planning aids in slowing the progress of periodontal diseases, which minimizes the chance of losing teeth.

Discover More:What Is Tooth Enamel And Why Is It Important?


How do you know if you need teeth cleaning?

Gum disease isn't the only cause of visible pain or symptoms, and that's why it's sometimes difficult to identify when you require deep cleaning. If you visit the dentist, the dentist will look at your gums and determine if you need a thorough cleaning.

Some of the warning signs you should be looking for are:

  • Red gums or bleeding gums
  • Gums that are soft and fluffy
  • Halitosis (persistent bad breath)
  • Unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • Receding gums

It is also possible that your teeth are loose. Additionally, if your gums hurt while you brush or chew, it could be a sign of gum disease that requires deep cleaning.


How often is it safe to get your teeth cleaned?

The frequency of dental cleanings may vary depending on an individual's oral health needs. In general, it is recommended to have professional teeth cleaning every six months. This interval allows for the timely removal of plaque and tartar buildup before they can cause significant damage. However, some individuals may require more frequent cleanings, such as those with gum disease, a history of dental issues, or certain medical conditions. Your dentist will assess your oral health and recommend the appropriate cleaning schedule.



What Is Deep Dental Cleaning?

Deep dental cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a procedure performed by a dentist to remove plaque and tartar buildup below the gum line and smoothen the tooth roots.

Is teeth cleaning by a dentist necessary?

Teeth cleaning by a dentist is necessary to remove stubborn plaque and tartar, prevent gum disease, and maintain good oral health.

Is it OK to skip a dental cleaning?

Skipping a dental cleaning is not recommended as it can accumulate plaque and tartar, increasing the risk of gum disease and other dental problems.


Healthy Teeth E-book